Mental Health Resources

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources for Everyone

  • National Suicide Prevention: Call/Text 988
  • Region Ten Community Services Board : 434-927-1800
  • SARA: 434-295-7273
  • Teen Crisis Hotline: 434-972-7233
  • UVA Psychiatry: 434-443-4318
  • Shelter for Help (Domestic Violence ): 434- 293-8509

Crisis Text Line Text 741741

For more information:

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources Specifically for First Responders

Fire and EMS Helpline (Specializes in Fire and EMS) 1-888-731-3473

CopLine (Law Enforcement Only) 800-267-5463

Safe Call Now 206-459-3020

Code Green Campaign

Florida Rehab Mental Health Resource


In 2017, more firefighters, EMTs, and law enforcement officers committed suicide than those who lost their lives in the line of duty (LODD). Approximately 93 Firefighters and/or EMTs lost their life in the line of duty, whereas 129 committed suicide. Approximately 103 police officers lost their lives performing their duties, 140 committed suicide.

If we look at that in perspective, there were a total of 196 LODDs in 2017. There were a total of 269 suicides in 2017.

That is 465 individuals who lost their lives. 58% of those deaths were due to suicides. Reach out of you need help, talk to someone. If you or anyone you know needs mental health and suicide prevention resources, please see the resources.

When we look at mental health in first responders, 85% of first responders have experienced symptoms related to mental health issues. 84% of first responders have experienced traumatic events, 34% were diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Of that percentage: 27% was diagnosed with depression 47% of which cited incidents related to the profession as the originating cause; 10% diagnosed with PTSD, 75% of those who were diagnosed with PTSD received treatment.

 First responders are more likely to suffer from PTSD, depression, and mental health issues than the general public. These numbers are not the end all be all, many cases go undiagnosed or undiscussed.

You are not alone, talk to someone. Reach out. Get help. Help others.

If you need mental health awareness or suicide prevention resources, please see the resources.

We hear a lot about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Today we want to look at what PTSD is and what are the signs and symptoms of PTSD.

What is PTSD?

PTSD is defined as a serious, potentially devastating condition that can occur in people who experience traumatic/horrific events such as war, sudden death of a close friend or family member, natural disaster, Fire/EMS/Law Enforcement incidents, etc. Where most survivors recovering, PTSD survivors continue to be severely anxious or depressed for months or even years after the event. 

What are the signs of symptoms of PTSD?

Re-experiencing the trauma through recollections, nightmares, and/or flashbacks.

Emotional numbness and avoidance of places, people, and activities that remind the person of the trauma.

Difficulty sleeping and/or concentrating, feeling jumpy, easily angered or irritated.

Persistent fear, horror, anger, guilt, or shame

Diminished interest or participation in activities

Detachment or estrangement from others

Inability to experience positive emotions

 If you have these symptoms, feel that you may have PTSD or know someone who may have PTSD., reach out for help. Please see our resources below.  Credit of information goes to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) you can get more detailed information here:



For more community and mental health resources, visit




 Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources Specifically for First Responders

 Fire and EMS Helpline (Specializes in Fire and EMS)  1-888-731-3473

CopLine (Law Enforcement Only)  800-267-5463

 Safe Call Now  206-459-3020

 Code Green Campaign 

 There are more resources being developed daily. If you know of a resource that we do not have listed and want to let us know so it can be added to our list, please call the office at 434-295-6146 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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