CISM Team Information

The Thomas Jefferson EMS Council Critical Incident Stress Management Team provides services to community Emergency Services Workers, (communications/dispatch centers, EMS/rescue squads, fire departments and law enforcement personnel). The overall goal of the team is promoting provider mental/physical health and personnel retention. Prevention of critical incident stress reactions and cumulative stress difficulties, along with the reduction in frequency, intensity and durations of stress-related problems are the team’s objectives.


A CISM Team is a group of people trained to provide peer debriefing following a stressful event.  A CISM debriefing does not serve as a critique of the event but allows emergency services personnel to discuss their thoughts and reactions following the event.

Some examples of critical incidents include: pediatric trauma resulting in death; line of duty death or severe injury of squad member, firefighter or police officer; suicide or unexpected death of squad member, firefighter or police officer; an accident involving an ambulance, fire apparatus, or police vehicle resulting in injury; a mass casualty incident; prolonged events (greater than 90 minutes); and any event in which a dispatcher or officer has concerns for the mental health of providers, however any event provoking stress symptoms in an emergency services provider may call for a CISM.

To activate the Thomas Jefferson Emergency Medical Services CISM, field personnel should contact Charlottesville Emergency Communications Center at (434) 977-9041 and ask for the Shift Supervisor.

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