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Stethoscopy- What they never taught you in school Taught by Bob Page
Tuesday, July 02, 2024, 09:00am - 11:30am
Hits : 2457
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  2.5 hours of CE



The stethoscope is the symbol of the medical profession: But how many of your students get the proper formal training on how to use it? This class will expose the general lack of knowledge in how to use one and present ideas on how to add this into your curriculum.

How much did you pay for your stethoscope? How much training did you get on how to use it? This will fill the gap. In this session, participants are provided down to earth “for dummies” information on various types of stethoscopes and how to use them to get the most out of patient assessment. In this “Ear Opening” session, new and improved methods and techniques are presented and breath sounds are presented via stethoscopy sounders, so that participants can hear the sounds with their own stethoscopes. That’s right! In this session, participants must bring heir own stethoscopes with them. Bob brings simulators for all participants to use their own stethoscopes to hear the various sounds. This is the class you should have got way back in EMT Class but did not.

Stethoscopy with Skills Session: 2 hours


By the end of this session, the participant will be able to

1. Describe the parts of the stethoscope and the proper way to wear it

2. Describe the difference in the bell vs the diaphragm and the use for each

3. Identify by sound, common lung and heart sounds

4. Describe a technique for identifying consolidated lung tissue

Session Outline

I. The stethoscope

a. Chest piece

b. Ears and tubing

c. Wearing it correctly

II. The different heads

a. Diaphragm

i. High pitched sounds

b. Bell

i. Low pitched sounds

III. Auscultation

a. Lungs sounds

b. Blood pressure

IV. Voice sounds

a. egophony

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